
Potato crop pests

Monday 19 August 2013

Importance due to the development of pest control potato plant pests and diseases can be delayed until the results of his men certainly are not satisfactory. moreover, pests and diseases that can kill malignant potato plants.Therefore, need be done to eradicate the pest and disease management that attacks potato plants, perhaps as optimal. most pests and diseases that attack potato crops, including, as in describe below:1. Leaf roller caterpillars (phithorimaea sp.)Leaf roller caterpillars cause damage to the leaves of the potato, especially in the dry season. This pest can be eradicated with diazinon 0, 2-0, 3 percent and 75 orthene sp. percent. not only cause damage to the leaves, the caterpillars also result in damage to potato tubers in the warehouse.


Sunday 18 August 2013

Mites are eight-limbed group of small animals that are members Superorder Acarina. Different mites with insects (Insecta), but further categorized on spiders. Until now there are dozens of species of mites that have been found, but not yet stable taxonomy mites because there were many changes. In dry conditions the optimum temperature 27 ° C mite can hatch in 3 days, and become sexually mature within 5 days. The tail of the female mite can lay up to 20 eggs per day and can live for 2-4 weeks and can lay hundreds of eggs. A single female mite can reduce up to one million head of population of mites in a month's time. Very rapid rate of reproduction allows populations to adapt and resist mite pesticides, so chemical control methods become less effective when pesticides with the same active ingredient used in a long time. 
Females are diploid mite mite mite whereas males are haploid. That is, a female mite offspring from eggs fertilized by male mites, mites whereas males are descended from unfertilized eggs. When mating, the female mite will avoid the occurrence of conception in some mite eggs to produce males. The fertilized egg will produce diploid females. While the eggs are not fertilized will produce haploid males tions.Mites attack plants by piercing the leaf surface and suck the liquid. Damage due to mite infestation can not be underestimated. In addition to damaging the leaves, mites also attack the stems and fruit potential. These pests attack crops in different seasons because it has the ability to adapt in a variety of habitats, such as moss, soil, grass, and even up to the warehouse. Mites are polyfag, all kinds of plants attacked. 

Tungro disease in rice

Friday 16 August 2013

Tungro disease symptoms are reduced tiller number and growth is stunted. Leaf blade and leaf sheath retracts. Young leaf blade that does not roll is clamped by the leaf midrib and leaves slightly twisted or curled. Leaf color turns yellow or reddish orange from the top of the old leaves. Young leaves may be spotted or striped pale green. Panicles infected plants are usually small and do not come out perfect. Grain-grain brown spots closed and weighs less than normal ears.

Infected rice plants usually live up to the ripening phase. Late flowering can cause harvest delays. Panicles are often small, sterile and imperfect existence. Plants infected parents may not cause symptoms before harvest but symptoms of an attack will be seen as singgang growing after harvest.
The younger the age of the affected plants and growing range of rice varieties, the more severe the tungro virus infection. Tungro virus disease of rice is the most important in Tropical Asia. Attacks can be very extensive crop damage in a short time.
Tungro disease in rice plants caused by tungro virus. The disease is transmitted by leaf hopper pest especially green leafhopper (Nephotettix virescens) and zigzag leafhoppers.
Actually for controlling this disease is quite difficult because the attacks are swift and spread. But there are some things you can do to control it:

  • Unplug and destroy infected plants so as not to infect healthy plants.
  • Rotation with crops can break the life cycle of leaf hoppers.
  • Control of plant hopper attacks the right way and the best use of insecticides to control leafhoppers.

So a little post about tungro disease in rice plants may be useful for all readers. For day 12 tomorrow we are going to discuss about burning leaf disease on rice plants.

Leptocorixa acuta

Leptocorixa acuta are pests that suck the liquid phase of ripe grain on milk. Leptocorixa acuta damage inflicted causes discolored rice, whitewashing and hollow. This is because Leptocorixa acuta in rice grains suck liquid. Phase rice plants vulnerable to pests Leptocorixa acuta is currently panicles of rice plants begin to phase out milk cook. Recommended control is done at the time of cooking rice milk at the age of 70-80 days after planting with insecticide sprayed Greta 500EC (1-2 ml / L). Ganjur pests (Pachydiplosis oryzae)

Stadia rice plants vulnerable to pests Ganjur was started in the nursery until the panicle initiation. Ganjur attack symptom is going to roll like rice leaf leeks, so infected plants can not produce panicles.
Ganjur prevention and pest control is to do cleaning around the field planting of grass and wild rice that may be hiding or alternate hosts. Rice planting simultaneously by using resistant varieties.
Recommended control using insecticide active ingredient carbosulfan like Matrix 200EC (2 ml / L) which works systemically.

Caterpillar Pests

A number of rice farmers in the District Palas, South Lampung, began to fret and shadowed crop failure. The reason, they are now owned rice caterpillar pests, rodents and jaundice. According to Hamidi (33), one of the farmers in the hamlet Lebung Prohibition, Talbot Village, District Palas, the farmers in the area began to worry about crop failure in the spring of 2008. For the current rice crop damaged their property. Almost all plants belong to us now broken rice. We also do not know what else to overcome pests of rice like worms, snails, and jaundice, "said Hamidi, Friday (16-5), pointing to the area of ​​paddy fields damaged by caterpillar pests and jaundice.
Hamidi said Lebung ban rice fields planted in rice, caterpillar pests and jaundice. "For District Palas, broken rice, there are three villages, Talbot Village, the Village Building, and the Village Sukabakti. Almost all the rice plant owned by local farmers, the average infected caterpillars and jaundice. How can we not fret. While I was planting rice damaged all, "he said. Meanwhile, Toni (29), a rice farmer in Talbot Village, District Palas, which has fields in Lebung Ban said a few months ago, his paddy crop damaged by snails attacked. Unfinished face pest snails, has now come other pests, caterpillars and jaundice. "I've tried everything to make spraying and eradicate pests that attack rice plants. But, caterpillars and jaundice still attacking rice crops we grow, "said Toni. Toni said it could be ascertained rice farmers in the area at the time the growing season harvest will fail. In fact, in the 2008 planting season, farmers in the area are hoping their fields could reap maximum results. However, what may make, most likely in this year's harvest, the rice farmers in the region can only get a few results. Caterpillars and snails and jaundice attack rice crops we grow, the farmers make huge losses. 

Golden Snail Pest

Golden snails or slugs Mulberry, Lampasa, people call it, a glimpse of this organism seems attractive when viewed with the golden color of yellow or more plasticity when living in clear water. Some people use it for animal feed, is also consumed as a side dish by boiling them first and fried or broil ... well according to their recognition tastes good but it's also so terrified lest also be host tapeworms and entered into our stomach, oh .... . There were probably put into the aquarium or simply kept in a bucket or drum container for fun or entertainment?! Well because it reproduces quickly, enough to eat vegetation only indication he was able to live and breed. Oops .. just do it for fun just taken out and thrown into the rice fields that did not exist golden snail, can-can at the same oath Mr. Farmer father because it would bother even frustrating farmers tend to make like-me.

Planthopper Pests

Thursday 15 August 2013

BPH is a common designation for liquids plant-sucking insects of the order Hemiptera (true ladybugs), suborder Fulgoromorpha, especially small ones. Cicadas been classified as leafhoppers (below suborder Auchenorrhyncha) but now has separated taxonomically. Because of the exclusive live plants, a number of members to be important pests in crops. In addition to the direct eater, leafhoppers also be a vector for the transmission of some important plant diseases, especially of the virus group.Leafhoppers important example:green leafhopper (Nephotettix spp.), a major pest of rice for tungro virus spreader. The virus that causes this disease is badnavirus Rice tungro bacilliform (RTBV) and Rice tungro spherical badna virus (RTSV). Tungro disease can cause substantial yield loss in rice production. 
Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens)Brown planthopper rod (WBC) is one of the important pests in rice crops because it can cause damage either directly or indirectly. Direct damage occurred because these pests have the ability to suck sap that causes leaf yellowing, dried and finally died with symptoms hopperburn known. Damage occurs indirectly as these insects are vectors of disease stunted grass and dwarf empty. Chocolate bar hopper is an important pest of rice crops in Indonesia, which since 1985 has threatened the rice self-sufficiency target. The main factors contributing to the increasing population and the brown plant hopper attacks stem in recent years is the biotic potential of the brown planthopper rod high, abiotic factors and rice cultivation systems that support the development of stem brown planthopper populations. Predators to control leafhoppers are Cyrtorhinus lividipennis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae).
White back planthopper (Sogatella furcifera)Leafhoppers as pest is difficult to control because it has various biotypes that each has its own preferences for different cultivars as well.

Identification Of Rice Plant Pest In Rats

Mice as pests of rice is commonly known species of Rattus argentiventer called field mice. Morphological characters include the rat dorsal color yellowish brown with dark patches on the hair. Ventral color silvery white or grayish white. Color dark brown with a tail length of about 110-160 mm. Color of the upper surface of the foot as the body color and the bottom dark brown. Field mouse has 12 fruit nipples (6 pairs) and have a characteristic white belly hair, hair texture is rather coarse, and the tail shorter than the head and body. 

Chili Fruit Flies

 Symptoms of AttacksFruit are attacked by a pit marked blackish brown spot at the base, where the adults enter the egg.Eggs are generally laid on fruit hidden and not exposed to direct sunlight. Larvae create channels / hoist in the fruit flesh by eating the fruit as well as fruit and suck the fluid can cause infection by other pests, such as bacteria and fungi. Fruits become rotten and usually fall. Attack on immature fruit will ripe fruit mangakibatkan premature and does not meet quality standards. 

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