
Identification Of Rice Plant Pest In Rats

Thursday 15 August 2013

Mice as pests of rice is commonly known species of Rattus argentiventer called field mice. Morphological characters include the rat dorsal color yellowish brown with dark patches on the hair. Ventral color silvery white or grayish white. Color dark brown with a tail length of about 110-160 mm. Color of the upper surface of the foot as the body color and the bottom dark brown. Field mouse has 12 fruit nipples (6 pairs) and have a characteristic white belly hair, hair texture is rather coarse, and the tail shorter than the head and body. 

Rat behavior

Field mouse is a nocturnal animal that has adapted to the rice crop phenology. Routine, daily activity begins at dusk until dawn. During this period, field mice from other groups. Traversed the daytime hiding in a hole, shrubs, or explore the sources of feed and water, shelter, as well as couples and individuals recognize the mapped fields.Classified into a field mouse omnivore capable of utilizing a variety of food to survive. The composition of feed consumed and varies depending on the environmental conditions along the stadia grow rice.  

However, rice is the main food he likes best. Feed needs approximately 10-15% of the body weight and drinking water approximately 15-30 ml per day. Field mouse forages for the rice endosperm, the base of rice straw, grass debris, body parts arthropods, dicotyledonous plant parts, and others. In feed consumption, field mouse first sampled to determine the reaction of the body and if no harm would immediately eat it.Rat breeding depends on the presence of rice plants. Active condition only occurs on rice reproduction generative stadia. During the long fallow to rice vegetative, dormant adult rat reproduction. At the time of inactivity, field mouse testes back into the abdominal cavity (abdominal testes), and will be returned to the scrotum during the breeding season (scrotal testes). Access to a number of females mating is controlled by a dominant male master certain territorial.rice is a terrestrial animal that makes a hole in the ground as a residence. Inhabited rat hole called "active hole".  

At the time of the long fallow, field mice living in habitats more runaway (refuge areas) such as shrubs, yard, or migration to a rice warehouse. In the vegetative stage of rice, a simple form of active pits and shallow, but a complex and branched at stadia generative rice is also a time to breed rat. In general, the active hole contains female rats and their sons. Active during reproduction, male rats live in the evening waiting plots to mate with females in the group.Rat social behavior includes maintaining territorial behavior (territorial) and social level (hierarchy). At low to moderate population density, a most dominant male power over food resources, trails, nest sites, and female mice in the group. At high population density, males who lost the competition (subordinate) out searching the area and form a new group. Such behavior causes are evenly spread population so field mice able to occupy a wide area (especially in endemic areas). Field mouse has the physical ability than whittling also digging, running, jumping and leaping, climbing, swimming, and diving. 

Rat study skills 

Rat brains fully developed so that it has the ability to learn and remember, although it is very limited compared to humans. Field mouse is able to remember the location of the nest, feed and water source locations, as well as toxic feed is causing the pain. In the laboratory experiments, mice were able to learn and remember the location of doors that provide food as a reward. Variety of media communication field mouse is sound and chemically with the urine and pheromones. Rat issued a warning sound to convey the danger and territorial markers. Urine as well as territory markers, messenger social level, and condition of estrus female rats (sex pheromones). Rats are suspicious of any new objects (including feed) in the environment, so it will avoid contact with the object. Nature reluctant to eat rat poison bait without feeding preceded the introduction (pre-baiting). 

 Mice were tasting / eating fewer acute toxic bait and do not die (but sick), will remember that sometimes continued feeding failure (bait not eaten). The mother field mouse always make 2-3 emergency exit to escape if there is a threat that makes its nest. When fumigation, female parent nest holes clog with her to keep her children safe.Wetland Ecology character Rat Rat population dynamics are influenced by biotic factors (food, competition, predation, cannibalism, migration and proliferation) and abiotic (habitat, water resources, and climate control). Population peak occurred shortly after post harvest fallow are translated at the previous generative stadia. In the rice-paddy cropping-fallow, occurred two population peaks, so that without control, the population is very high at the beginning of MT2 and become a serious threat. In the cropping pattern in unison, aged mice relative uniform composition, whereas the cropping pattern is not simultaneous overlapping age composition. In the irrigated ecosystem, when the initial entry MT1, the rat population is predominantly adult rat precursor that can last for a long fallow period.  

Migration of rats is characterized by a sudden surge in the rat population due to arrival of rats in large numbers in a short time, can be divided into:· Seasonal migration:Touch upon the long fallow 70% of the population moving into the habitat runaway rat, 30% remained in the availability of food inhabit paddy environment. Cropping occurs when there is massive migration habitat runaway· Migration due to natural disasters Rats will flee to a safe place as well as a new feed source. Adult population usually consists of a strong The influence of climate on the presence of rodents such as rats like warm climates and stable, so their presence in the area suitable lowland rice ecosystem. Rat population is also controlled by the mechanism and control by human predation.

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