
Potato crop pests

Monday 19 August 2013

Importance due to the development of pest control potato plant pests and diseases can be delayed until the results of his men certainly are not satisfactory. moreover, pests and diseases that can kill malignant potato plants.Therefore, need be done to eradicate the pest and disease management that attacks potato plants, perhaps as optimal. most pests and diseases that attack potato crops, including, as in describe below:1. Leaf roller caterpillars (phithorimaea sp.)Leaf roller caterpillars cause damage to the leaves of the potato, especially in the dry season. This pest can be eradicated with diazinon 0, 2-0, 3 percent and 75 orthene sp. percent. not only cause damage to the leaves, the caterpillars also result in damage to potato tubers in the warehouse.

2. Oteng-oteng (epilachina sp)Oteng-oteng pelentung is also pests. These pests cause damage to potato leaves. oteng-oteng can be eradicated with Hostathion 0, 1-0, 2%.3. Orong-orong (cryllotalpa sp.)Orong-orong dog also called ground. it caused damage to the potato bulbs with holes and down quality. This pest can be eradicated with Sevin 85 s flour mixed into manure. otherwise this pest is done when manure application to crops.4. Black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon)Cutworm damage plant stems are still young (new growth). The caterpillars good look around the stem and then destroyed. caterpillar land out of hiding at 16. 00-17. 00.5. Late blight (Phytopthora infestans)The disease is caused by some types of fungi. marked signs of decay attacks potato leaves can certainly threaten the development of the potato plant. This disease can be overcome with antaracol 0, 2% or Dithane M-45 0, 2%. surveillance system should be done as soon as possible, could not be late.6. Smallpox disease (alternaria solani)Smallpox also attack the leaves of potato and must be quickly overcome with Dithane M-45 0. 2%.7. Wilt disease or mucusThis disease comes from bacteria pseudomonas solanacearum. side that attacked the roots and stems, and the plants become slimy and rotting potatoes. wilt diseases are difficult to address, but no relievers type bacteria commonly used, namely Agrimycin and streptomycin.8. Disease fungus (Fusarium oxysporum)Side of the plant fungal diseases that attack the stem and roots sometimes. once symptoms similar to the one above, so that both plants wilt. how to distinguish the withered due to fungus are as follows:Due to bacterial wilt; when the disease attacked potato crop cut and pressed out and then hung in a glass filled with clean water, then the lender can resemble colored discharge and foul smelling milk, kelayuan place on all sides of the plant (branch).Wilt because the fungus; when the stem of the plant is attacked by the disease can be cut and massaged out the clear fluid is brown and kelayuannya only takes place at the plant (branch) who attacked alone. and, stems show a longitudinal incision on the side of the timber vessels brownish color.Fungus that attacks potato plants generally appear in the rainy season. This fungus disease is indeed rather difficult to eradicate completely. so as not to spread the potato plants with a total, well sprayed with fungicides Antracol m-45, as well as Difolatan.

9. Buduk disease or mottled (Streptomyces scabies)Potato plants attacked by this disease so Buduk tuber or tuber flesh mottled and sometimes so cork, until no longer sold in the market. however, this type of disease-causing fungi can not live in the soil pH below 5, 4 and above 7, 0.10. Blorok mosaic PVX and PVYThis type of virus attack potato plants until the leaves so curly. to avoid and protect potatoes from virus attacks, helps us to eradicate the fleas leaves (mysus persisse) as the carrier virus (vector) and roll (leafrol)Plants are attacked by this virus can shrink its ability to produce tubers, especially when infected plants are less than 1bulan. if the mother bear, generally small tubers (Kriel). undiscovered panacea to eradicate this virus. to avoid this disease, we must determine the seeds of a good potato crop and free from viruses.11. Wart disease 

caused by the nematode Meloidogyne sp. attacked the potato tuber crops, to small bumps appear and lead to a natural decline in the quality of the potatoes until its price fell.This wart disease generally occurs in the soil easily (sandy) ph is low. on a former rice field soil, the disease is not first appear. This nematode can be eradicated with nematicides, such as Furadan nemagon and 3 g. However, its price relatively very expensive. helps us determine the potato varieties that can survive and be immune from this disease.12. Tuber rot disease (Erwinia carotovora lr holland)Plants are attacked by this disease just as good revoked.

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